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Welcome to Your Email Goal Setting Toolkit

Marketers have an abundance of data at their fingertips, but often it is challenging to sift through that data and make sense of it.  In this toolkit, we'll provide you with tools you need to organize your performance data, establish benchmarks, and then set goals to optimize your email program.  First you'll learn how to pull email performance reports and format them in a standardized way that is easy to digest and share.  Next, we'll cover how to set up conversion tracking to attribute value to your email beyond engagement.  Finally, we'll break down common KPI metrics and provide you with a workbook to outline your current metrics and set future goals. 


Guide to Reporting

Access a sample KPI report and tutorials on how to pull reports by segment or program.

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Tracking Conversions

Learn the methods of tracking conversions and how to configure it on your site.

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Setting Goals

Review common metrics and download the workbook to outline your goals by email type.

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For more information, visit our Email Goal Setting FAQ’s

Association Industry Metrics:

Goal Deliverability


Goal Open Rate


Goal Click to Open


Goal Clickthrough


For Profit Industry Metrics:

Goal Deliverability


Goal Open Rate


Goal Click to Open


Goal Clickthrough


Steps to Setting Your Email Goals
