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Let's Get Started!

In this section of the toolkit, we'll define the main metrics you can use to measure your email success. Once you understand these metrics, you’ll download the goal setting workbook to begin the process of outlining specific, measurable goals for each of these metrics. You’ll start by outlining your objectives for your email program. Next, you’ll pull a report on your current engagement and conversion metrics, compare them to industry standards, break them down by email type and goal, and then determine where you want to set your goals by email category. After you’ve set your goals, you will know where you need to focus your efforts in optimizing and testing new content and segmentation methods.

Return to Goal Setting Toolkit


Goal Setting Workbook

This workbook is designed to help you ideate and outline an automation program including the data points and content steps needed in your workflow.


Deliverability Rate

Total Number of Emails Delivered
out of
Total Number of Emails Attempted

95 Delivered/100 Attempted =
95% Deliverability

Open Rate

Total Number of Emails Opened
out of
Total Number of Emails Sent

20 Opened/100 Sent =
20% Open Rate

Clickthrough Rate

Total Number of Emails Clicked
out of
Total Number of Emails Sent

10 Clicked/100 Sent =
10% Clickthrough Rate

Click to Open Rate

Total Number of Emails Clicked
out of
Total Number of Emails Opened

10 Clicked/20 Opened =
50% Click to Open Rate

Bounce Rate

Total Number of Emails Bounced
out of
Total Number of Emails Attempted

5 Bounced/100 Attempted =
5% Bounce Rate

Unsubscribe Rate

Total Number of Unsubscribes
out of
Total Number of Emails Sent

1 Unsubscribe/100 Sent =
1% Unsubscribe Rate


Conversions can be any action you determine to drive value. May be different based on the email goal

(Registration, Purchase, Download,
Page Visits, Form Submissions)

Conversion Rate

Total Number of Conversions
out of
Total Number of Emails Attempted

10 Registrations/100 Sent =
10% Conversion Rate