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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need an EPC?

An email preference center gives your constituents the option to opt-down versus completely opting out at the bare minimum. It is also an opportunity to promote what newsletters and benefits you offer with your membership. Then, as you build your lists and gain strong segments of lists for each preference, you can build trust by only sending what your members have indicated they want to receive from you.

What are some ways to organize my EPC?

We recommend having this conversation across departments. Bring in membership, events, marketing and leadership into the conversation. It may not be as simple as dividing it up by your departments. You might have one or more big events, multiple newsletters, and or education- and advocacy-related emails, for example. We do recommend; however, that you boil your entire email communications portfolio into 8-12 preferences max for your users to skim and engage with.

Why are people flagging my email as spam and/or unsubscribing?

People mark emails as spam because the message seems suspicious or because they just don’t want it. This could be the way the information was presented, but most likely it’s because you didn’t properly segment your distribution lists. It is important to ensure your content is relevant to the recipient. The more personalized and relevant the email is, the less likely you will be flagged as spam.

Remember that it is better for someone to opt out of your list and help keep your data clean vs. bringing down your sender score by ignoring your emails. The best way to stay out of spam folders and prevent opt outs is to make sure you are sending quality emails. This means using an authenticated domain, smart subject lines, and dynamic formatting. Most important of all, make sure that your emails are of real value to the recipient, which means that they will always open your messages and engage with them.

Someone reported that they tried to click on the link to manage their preferences, but the page was broken. What happened?

First check to see that the contact reporting the incident is in your AMS. This typically happens because there is no contact record stored in the AMS for the EPC to read from. If you want the EPC to work with contacts that aren't in the EPC, then you would need a pivot sync add-on. If the contact is in the AMS and they experience an error, then check to see that there hasn't been any changes to the connectivity with IT. We can help further through our support channel.

What are some ways I can promote my EPC?

You can implement an ongoing email campaign where you promote your EPC quarterly to your members to update their preferences. Add a link to the EPC on the member profile page. Link to the EPC from your main website homepage as a way to promote the benefits a member receives by promoting the journals and newsletters they could gain access to.

Can I customize my EPC to display different content for a member vs. a prospect?

You can implement an ongoing email campaign where you promote your EPC quarterly to your members to update their preferences. Add a link to the EPC on the member profile page. Link to the EPC from your main website homepage as a way to promote the benefits a member receives by promoting the journals and newsletters they could gain access to.

What are some ways I can promote my EPC?

If you need to add functionality that allows the page to cater to leads and prospects, then HighRoad can implement "flexing" under a separate statement of work. This allows the page to dynamically display content based on whether the user is a member not.

Can I use my EPC for prospects or lead generation? (Contacts that aren't already in my AMS)

If you need to add functionality that allows the page to work for "unknown" contacts, meaning they have no record in your AMS database, then HighRoad can implement "pivoting" under a separate statement of work. This allows the page to check the AMS for the user and their preferences and if there is no record in the AMS, the page will pivot and allow the user to enter their preferences to be stored in the email tool.

What if I want to make changes to my EPC after it's built?

Most web page requires changes as messaging and content changes. If you require regular updates to the EPC (i.e. ad updates, subscription bucket changes, lead genertion question refresh), you might be interested in a bi-annual update package. This gives you the ability to regularly make changes at intervals that makes sense to the organization. One-time changes can occur under a statement of work.


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